LeadHers’ platform offers efficient and purposeful networking opportunities and forges meaningful connections while simultaneously enhancing personal growth.
LeadHers is a powerful international ecosystem of inspiring women, including C-level executives, experts, exceptional artists and athletes.
LeadHers connects inspiring women ACROSS:
LeadHers operates in 8 countries, providing opportunities to connect with business partners globally and facilitating smooth transitions in case of relocation.
Women who choose the Inner Circle are paired with 11 other women of the same seniority level but from various industries.
Selection process is meticulously curated to ensure optimal matches based on shared challenges and interests. Meetings are for 2 hours every two months and are moderated by an executive coach.
Benefits: opportunity to forge meaningful connections with other members, fostering personal growth in the process.
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Members have the ability to join 4 identity-based groups, based on their interests and needs. Participate in workshops led by subject matter experts. Identify and connect with members with the same needs. Share learnings and discuss topics and trends.
Exclusive Events
Gain inspiration and connect with powerful speakers. Memorable experience in exceptional venues, filled with meaningful connections and personal growth.
At LeadHers, we believe that driving impactful change requires diverse voices at the table. That is why we have made it a priority to include men in the conversation, recognizing their role as allies and partners.
LeadHers partners are leaders in their respective fields who are eager to connect with and support our LeadHers’ ecosystem.
If you are interested in exchanging with one of these partners, simply click “Intro,” and we will follow up with the next steps.
We’ll connect you with a Partner, provided you agree to become one yourself. In return, you’ll dedicate the same amount of time to meeting with a talented professional or a promising student who could benefit from your insights and experience.
Digital Home
Dedicated digital platform designed exclusively for our members, enabling seamless one-click actions such as accessing information, event registration, networking, and messaging.